The Israeli Occupation Forces detained, early Monday morning, 28 Palestinians from their homes, after soldiers invaded their homes in the occupied West Bank, reported the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS).

The PPS said the army detained 7 men from the Hebron district, including Thayer Halahleh who spent several years in Israeli prisons, most of them in administrative detention without charge or trial, going on hunger strike for 78 days in 2012, securing his release, according to WAFA.

The army also detained 6 Palestinians from the Jenin district and 2 from the Qalqilia area, in the northern occupied West Bank. 3 men were abducted from the Bethlehem district, in the southern West Bank and 1 from Sinjil village near Ramallah.

In addition, Israeli forces detained 8 young Palestinians from al-‘Isawiya neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem, and 1 from Abu Dis town, east of Jerusalem.

Source : WAFA
Edited for IMEMC : Ali Salam